On May 12th the Hans Boeckler Foundation and Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin organised an academic conference on works councils on the occasion of 40 years participation of employees in the company supervisory board (Unternehmensmitbestimmung). The conference was attended by researchers and practitioners from Germany, the UK, Norway, the US, Israel, Portugal, China and the Netherlands.
I was invited to present on the economic impact of works councils, based on my PhD work, and it was more than honouring to be in the same workshop with professor John Addison who has published numerous articles on the subject.
Information about the activities of the Hans Boeckler Foundation see www.boeckler.de. The website is a very useful source about the Germand employment system and it also contains English text.
This is my presentation for the conference. Any feedback is welcome.
Categorie: Actueel
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